Ringworm is a skin infection due to a fungus. Often, there are several patches of ringworm on your skin at once.
Dermatophytid; Tinea
Ringworm is common, especially among children. However, it may affect people of all ages. It is caused by a fungus, not a worm like the name suggests.
Many bacteria and fungi live on your body. Some of these are useful, while others can cause infections. Ringworm occurs when a type of fungus called tinea grows and multiplies on your skin.
Ringwork can affect the skin on your:
Ringworm can spread easily from one person to another. You can catch ringworm if you touch someone who has the infection, or if you come into contact with items contaminated by the fungus, such as combs, unwashed clothing, and shower or pool surfaces. You can also catch ringworm from pets that carry the fungus. Cats are common carriers.
The fungus that causes ringworm thrive in warm, moist areas. Ringworm is more likely when you are often wet (such as from sweating) and from minor injuries to your skin, scalp, or nails.
Symptoms of ringworm include:
If ringworm affects your hair, you will have bald patches.
If ringworm affects your nails, they will become discolored, thick, and even crumble.
Most of the time, your health care provider can diagnose ringworm by looking at your skin. The fungus may glow when your skin is examined with a blue light (called a Wood's lamp) in a dark room.
Tests to confirm the diagnosis may include:
To care for ringworm:
Your health care provider may prescribe pills to treat the fungus if you have:
You may need medicines such as ketoconazole, which are stronger than over-the-counter products. You may also need antibiotics to treat skin infections from strep or staph that are caused by scratching the area.
Infected pets also should be treated.
Skin medicine usually treats ringworm within 4 weeks. If your ringworm infection is severe or it does not respond well to self-care, it will usually respond quickly to antifungal pills.
Call your doctor right away if you have any signs of a bacterial infection, which can result from scratching. These signs include swelling, warm skin, sudden worsening in redness of the patches, red streaking, pus, drainage, and fever.
Call your doctor if:
To prevent ringworm:
Superficial fungal infections. In: Habif TP, ed. Clinical Dermatology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2009:chap 13.